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Unknown said...

You are multi-dimensional, and your Higher Self is a higher dimension of your total Self, or Soul. It is the part of you that did not incarnate into your physical body. Your Higher Self is loving awareness, always at peace, and always conscious that you are a part of the one Universal Spirit.

Saying the mantra "I am that I am" affirms your identity with your Higher Self and the Universal Spirit. Gradually you will begin to experience more and more of the presence of your Higher Self.

And yes, it is what God told Moses his name was. Essentially, he was telling Moses, "I exist as the infinite. I exist as every finite soul. And that's about all you need to know about me." :-)

Unknown said...

Hi,i am 17 years,and just started doing meditation out of the blue without any reason,so my question is this that after i do meditation i feel tired and exhausted...its roughly 1 month since i have started doing it and that too i am not regular

Unknown said...

If you are feeling exhausted after you meditation, it is usually due to one or more of the following reasons:

• You are trying too hard. Meditation does not require a lot of effort. Medium effort is sufficient.

• You are meditating for too long. 15 - 20 minutes per session is plenty of time.

• Your meditation is triggering the release of old stored up toxins - physical and emotional. This clearing is ok and beneficial in small doses, and it will pass. But it can make you tired for awhile. However, if you are making to much effort, or meditating for too many minutes, it can trigger more detox than is comfortable. Hence, be sure to follow the first two guidelines.

Adrian said...

I know its long but please, bear with me:

Hello all. I had an usual experience during meditation. I am new to meditation, and I stop meditating for long perionds of time due to the distractions: My right ear starts to ring, I see images, and I become aware of my heartbeat. One time, I saw an image of a pair of hands postured to receive, so I mimicked the image. Once copied a new image appeared. I was doing this for about a minute when I suddenly heard someone wisper "no" in a very soft voice. I opened my eyes and discovered that I was completely surrounded in darkness( I began meditating at sunset). I got up, and I turned the light on in my room and nervously attempted to meditate again. This time I was not able to clearly see the images. Instead I saw the light that was being emitted by my lamp, so I randomly switched between the hand postures I had seen before. It worked surprisingly well. I am not sure how long I was doing this, but I suddenly became aware of a shadow. I looked closer, and I noticed it was my hands that I was looking at. I could see the movements of my hands. It was amazing!!! Then I noticed that I was hot. Well, at least my hand were. The heat would also increase in the part of my hands that were touching. I whispered "thank you", and a new image appeared. It showed my hands closing tegother and coming up to my face. so I did as I was showed and I added a kiss and slowly maved my hand outward while opening them to show my gratitude. Now my questions for you is if this is normal, or have I just experienced phychosis? If my experience is normal then what is the meaning of it?

Unknown said...

Hello Adrian...

First of all, what you experienced was not psychosis. Is it "normal?" Yes, if you understand that when you meditate, you alter your state of consciousness, and in altered states, there are limitless possibilities regarding what you might experience.

The important thing about having these experiences is that you accept them, without fear and without getting overly attached to them, i.e. not having expectations that these experiences will or should happen again.

What's the meaning of these specific experiences for you? From your description, the essence of them appears to be: 1. You are opening to higher states of consciousness, 2. Aspects of your intuition are developing, and 3. You are starting to tune in to your inner guidance.

I suggest that you continue your meditation practice, and approach each meditation with the attitude of accepting whatever happens.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jim

I want to be more grounded and still be balanced in all my chakra's.

Any meditation exercises i can do to ground me more? Also if it can suggest how to after the meditation how to release nervous energy through activating the grounding process?

Thank you

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Here's a simple, but effective meditation for grounding.

• Sit comfortably with your spine fairly straight.

• You can sit in a chair, or on the floor or bed with your legs crossed. (Lotus position is not necessary.)

• With your eyes closed, imagine a strong energy chord going from the base of your spine into the center of the Earth. It's not important how thick the chord is - just go with whatever spontaneously comes into your mind.

• Spend 5 - 10 minutes imagining, sensing and/or feeling the grounding chord connecting you to the Earth.

• Outside of meditation, as you're going through your daily activities, take a few moments occasionally to remember your grounding chord.

For releasing nervous energy, I suggest you try this alternate nostril breathing exercise.

Physical exercise or hatha yoga is also helpful for releasing nervous energy.

John said...

Hi Jim

Not sure if you can help me but if you could send me some healing energy if you can.

I have been told to sit in the half lotus and Burmese position. Not sure if i got it wrong or what happened but the blood flow to my right testicle got cut off and now it's a big problem. I gone to the doctor but was hoping maybe i can get some healing energy to heal it before i go to a specialist.

If not thanks anyway, i thought it was worth a try :)
Thank you

Unknown said...

Sending some healing energy your way, although I obviously can't guarantee results. :-) And a suggestion... it's ok to sit comfortably when you meditate. Painful positions are not really necessary.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jim

Been meditating for a few years and not for the first time i have this pressure in my head. Been 2 days now and feels like my ears want to pop. Very off putting, not painful but makes me feel horrible!!! I can't think, talk, concentrate and a terrible headache.

Any advice how to get rid of this energy? It last for 2 weeks the last time but if you could help as it's worse than last time?


Unknown said...

Here are a few suggestions:

1. Stop meditating until the pressure subsides.

2. When you resume your meditation, make sure your are not concentrating too hard. "Medium effort" - about 50% - is sufficient and preferable.

3. Keep your meditation time to a maximum of 20 minutes once a day, or 15 minutes twice a day.

If you would like to send me some details, regarding the exact method you use when you meditate, I might be able to give you some more info.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jim

Thanks for the advice. I have done what you said.

I do a sitting Qigong meditation were i imagiune the sun above me open and send light down throught me. I then imagine the light starting from my head, the light permeate through till my feet out in the earth. Then i close my feet and the light pours out and i become lighted.

It's a guided meditation that i have been doing. 20 min twice a day.

Thank you Jim

Unknown said...

That sounds basically ok. When the pressure subsides and you begin meditating again, just follow the previous suggestions... and be sure to never force the light to move through you. Just imagine it gently, and allow it to flow naturally.

Unknown said...

Yesterday, I used guided meditation three times back to back trying to open my third eye. After the last one, my body felt extremely light the rest of the night. I rested and went to sleep early. In the middle of the night, I woke up gasping to catch my breath, then I went back to sleep. When I woke in the morning for work, I felt exhausted and very sensitive to things. For instance, I sat in a chair for lunch and my body tilted back a bit but I jumped as if the whole chair was going to fall but the chair never moved. Almost as if I was high. That exhaustion and sensitivity carried on throughout my whole work day. what is going on?

Unknown said...

You've just discovered 2 meditation-related things that should never be done...

1. Never over-meditate. Unless you've been meditating regularly for many years, 20 minutes at a time is plenty - and 20 minutes once a day, or 10 to 15 minutes twice a day should be max.

2. Never willfully try to open your chakras or move energy (chi) through your body. Any sort of force here - even gentle force - is counter-productive. Opening chakras should be allowed to occur naturally, with no more encouragement from you than a bit of "gentle intention."

The energy you tap when meditating is very powerful. When you tap too much of this energy before your body, nervous system, and energy system can handle it, it's likely to have negative effects of various types. It's somewhat like running 100 watts of electricity through a 50 watt bulb. Exhaustion and over-sensitivity are typical of such negative effects.

Unfortunately, many people - including some meditation guides - don't fully understand the powerful nature of this spiritual energy.

Daniel L. said...

Well I'm curious about meditation, I tried meditating again after a long time of not meditating. Last night I practiced meditation and I had bad a bad experience again as I did before. This is what is going on during meditation I make my mind go blank, then start feeling the pulse of my body from the tips of my fingers to legs,back, so on, then I feel on and off vibrations throughout my whole body. During these vibration I start to feel negativity as if I'm surrounded then I just try to get out of meditation state because it's troubling, what is going on?

Unknown said...

Hello Daniel...
Deliberately determining what you feel/experience (making your mind blank, etc) when you meditate triggers the "hot aspect" of your inner spiritual energy, aka chi. This inner heat then brings a lot of stored up negativity to the surface - more than is comfortable - in order to purify and transmute the energy.

Under natural circumstances, this is a positive cleansing process. But when it is overdone, your experience is typical of what tends to happen.

To bring this process back to where it's natural, and not uncomfortable, quit trying to create what you experience, and dial down your level of concentration. Also, try a meditation method in which you are more of a passive observer and less of a participant, for example, Vipassana or Mindfulness meditation.

This will allow the cleansing process to proceed at a more comfortable, less noticeable pace.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jim,

I’ve been a practitioner of mindfulness for 5 years now. Earlier this year, I received energy work from a very skilled healer. Over the months that followed, I faced many personal challenges that I may not have completely worked through in my past, and was feeling a persistent fluttering sensation at the coccycx/tail bone. As time went, I found new styles of meditation coming into my life.

In May/June I began reading and practicing from the books of Reginald Ray, a teacher from the lineage of Chögyam Trungpa. His practices are rooted in Tibetan Buddhist practices… namely Vajrayana, but he takes a non-dogmatic approach. Many of these practices involve a somatic based meditation… breathing into the lower dantien, emptying stale prana from the lower dantien, breathing into all cells of the body, surrendering/sinking our awareness into the earth, pulling the earth’s energy through the perineum, into the lower dantien, and bringing it into the central channel.

I’ve been practicing this way for several months now, with mixed result. I feel there’s very deep transformation going on. My body is always having new twitching/fluttering type of patterns, which I’m totally surrendered to. I feel I’m becoming okay with lots of the “difficult/shadow” stuff that arises on and off. I feel my awareness is expanding, and this all is becoming much more “real”

From my understanding, spiritual development is essentially the development of the subtle body. Are the types of practices I’ve described, and/or energy work, a more “direct” route? I’ve heard that mindfulness on it’s own doesn’t do a great job of addressing trauma, but I question if this is true… It seems every teacher has a different opinion, and I’d love to hear yours.

Sorry this was so long-winded. I’m kind of thinking out loud.
Thanks for your awesome service to the world… I’ve been writing to you from the start of my journey- after my first retreat, only 6 weeks after being introduced to mindfulness… I’m sure you could imagine the result, lol.

All the best.

Unknown said...

I wouldn't say one of these practices is a more direct route than the other, or better. They are simply different paths with different dynamics. In terms of the energy one taps, Mindfulness is definitely a more gentle path.

Deep trauma can be healed through Mindfulness as well as through the more energy-based practices. In Mindfulness practice, by giving everything the space to arise in ones awareness, unresolved trauma will come to light to be healed when the practitioner is prepared to go through this process.

This dynamic is based more on the timing of cosmic wisdom than on a practitioner's proactive approach.

Anonymous said...

question: want to start Transcendental Meditation but have a serious pot addiction and 15 days is overwhelming. If 15 days isn't an option, is it still worth it to do?

Unknown said...

Yes, it's definitely worth it. If you truly can't go 15 days, I suggest you learn the meditation anyway.

Transcendental Meditation was the first form of meditation I learned. This was in the 60's, and although I wasn't addicted, I was a fairly frequent pot smoker. But after meditating daily for awhile, I simply lost my desire to get loaded, and just naturally drifted away from it.

Unknown said...

Hi Jim

I have been meditating for about 3 years but never stuck to a type of meditation. I always feel like a type of meditation i am doing is not for me and that i am looking for the one meditation that is right for me so then i move to the next. Breathing meditation is the worst meditation for me and really don't like it.

I think i have found the meditation that's for me but it's not as easy and i have some frustration about it. The meditation is that i focus on my thoughts but that was the only instruction from someone i met but never seen again to help me. It's sounds so simple but to me it's very tough. When i just concentrate on my thoughts i get this head pressure in my head from being in my head to wait for thoughts to come up.

Is there any advice you have or meditation instructions you could give me it would be much appreciate it?? I want to read a book that could help me but don't know which one to buy that focuses on thoughts. Was hoping you might know??

I can see how this type of meditation can benefit me allot cause my thoughts are holding me back.

Thanks allot :)

Unknown said...

Hi Johanna... You might find it helpful to know that there is not necessarily 1 meditation that is right for a person. There will be meditations that are better suited for you than others - that feel more natural or enjoyable to you - but even with these you will discover that your experiences will vary from day to day. It's possible that you simply need a bit of variety, and that's ok.

As for a meditation based on observing your thoughts, that is a good, easy, and effective method. I searched YouTube, thinking it would be easy to find a good one, but surprisingly, couldn't find one that I liked. So I recorded one for you. It's very simple - you'll be guided into the meditation, and then left to meditate for as long as you choose. I also included a quiet 15 minute musical track - sitar and tamboura. If you have any trouble accessing it with this link, please let me know. Meditation for Observing Thoughts

A couple other things you might find helpful:
1. When you meditate, it's best not to "concentrate" i.e. make too much effort to focus. This can lead to pressure in the head. I suggest focussing with "medium effort."
2. Meditation can be as simple as you allow it to be.
3. You might enjoy InsightTimer.com. It's a free app, available for both Android and iOS, and has a couple thousand free guided meditations.

Unknown said...

Hi Jim

Thank you, thank you and thank you!!!

This is perfect. The tips you suggested is great and it makes perfect sense and will focus with medium effort as it could def. be that, that gives me head pressure.

Thanks again and thank you for the site :)

Unknown said...

Excellent!... and you're very welcome.

Adrienne said...

Hello, Whilst meditating in a seated position after several minutes I feel as though I've shifted about 45 degrees. This has happened to me several times now while sitting on the floor, ground and in a chair. Not while lying down though. I'm starting to feel crazy or maybe I just woke up crooked a week ago and can't fix myself any thoughts? Thank you.

Unknown said...

Hello Adrienne... I assure you, you are not crazy, and this is not connected to any sort of physical problem. 😊 What you are experiencing is the movement of your "energy body." This is a non-physical part of you, and occasionally it moves about during meditation. It generally does so to facilitate the flow of life force energy - aka chi or prana - which increases a bit when you meditate. However, sometimes it moves simply to let you know that it's there and that you are more than just your physical self. The best way to deal with this phenomenon is simply to let it happen while you continue your meditation.

Adrienne said...

Thank you very much Jim. I appreciate your explanation and it has very much set my mind at ease! Infinite Peace to you kind sir!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jim

I use to do sleep hypnosis just before going to sleep till it interfered with my meditation and that was about 6 month's ago. Was meditating today and everything was going well and my mind was starting to get clear and quiet and then it happened again just allot stronger than other times.

My muscles relaxed and my body fell asleep like and my mind was very clear and calm. It was super relaxing like i have never felt before. I let my mind go deeper and deeper in hypnosis till i feel over and was laying on my side and got distracted cause my body was sore from laying on the ground.

Done another meditation and it happened again and 4 hour later i still fell super relaxed and can't believe it, just awesome.

I am not sure if i should start listening to a guided hypnosis when i start to go into the hypnosis state. I have a lot of issues and fears that i need to let go of.

Not doing any hypnosis or anything like that.

Any advice what i should do??

Thank you

Unknown said...


One thing to understand, is that experiences of certain meditative states and those of certain states of hypnosis tend to be very similar - they cannot alway be distinctly separated, and it's not really important to distinguish them from one another.

The experiences you are describing were brought about by higher spiritual energies converging at those moments to take you into a deeper state of awareness. In other words, the experiences were more the result of these higher energies than the result of the method you were using.

This deeply relaxed, "sleep-like" state is sometimes referred to as "yoga nidra." However, because of whatever meditation practice you've had up until now, you experienced it with greater clarity than is sometimes the case.

Such experiences can't be predicted or produced by sheer effort. (Of course, sitting to meditate is what makes them possible.) But beyond that, they simply happen when they happen.

I suggest you continue with your regular meditation practice, and if you feel the need for the benefits of guided hypnosis, it would be best to practice that separately. Just don't over-do either of them. More isn't necessarily better.

Unknown said...

Thanks Jim

I will continue with the meditation and see what happens :)

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Hello Jim,
I had a very strange experience today and was hoping you had some knowledge to share with me about it. I was laying on the sofa soaking up the sun that was coming through the window and for some reason without contemplation I said "I'm ready for the next step" I may have said "I think I'm ready..." Suddenly I felt what I can only describe as intense sexual energy--orgasmic. When I went to write down what happened, it happened again and then I fell into a deep sleep for at least an hour maybe two. There's more to this but I don't want to go deeper at this point. Any ideas? Thank you.

Unknown said...

What you experienced was a sudden mega-increase of the flow of Life Force energy through your body and energy system. This energy is also known as Chi, Shakti, or Kundalini.

As you can see, it can produce some very extreme experiences. Sometimes they are sexual in nature - sometimes not.

And as you experienced, these sudden energy surges can occur with no apparent cause. However, there is generally a higher purpose behind them - often to give you a taste of what you may experience more fully farther along your spiritual journey.

In case you are wondering if you can "cause" this sort of experience to occur again, the answer is (mostly) no. These extremely elevating experiences cannot be brought about willfully, and trying to do so can actually be harmful. (The exception would be practicing tantric sexuality with a partner who is prepared to handle this powerful energy, under the guidance of a very qualified tantric teacher.)

Therefore, I suggest you simply use this experience as inspiration to continue on your path. And if it should spontaneously happen again - and it might - enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much Jim. Okay, this is getting into a sensitive nature but maybe others may benefit and I am a little nervous. Maybe you can delete what I write after you read it. I "went" with it. You know, masturbated. I've been celibate for many years and it seemed right at the time but I wonder if it's okay that I did. I'm so sorry if this is too out there.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jim, I hope I didn't offend you by saying too much about that sexual experience (my participation). When you said something about being harmful, it worried me a bit. I didn't try to bring it on at all and have no intention to do so, but if it should happen again, I want to know the best way to handle it. This is not easy as a woman inquiring about this to a man, but I felt you would understand. Thank you for everything and if you can please advise me, I would appreciate it.

Unknown said...

Hi... I was just sitting down to answer your previous question, so I will address them both here. The bottom line is that there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. Humans are hardwired for sexuality - the physical body needs the energy polarization that occurs with sex... and it needs to release the build-up of sexual tension, whether it is done with a partner or solo.

When I spoke about potential harm, I was speaking only about trying to force higher spiritual experiences to occur.

If you have similar experiences again, I suggest you enjoy the intensity of feeling as much as possible. And if the sexual energy becomes an uncomfortable pressure, it's fine to release it through masturbation. The only thing to avoid as much as possible is the guilt.

Anonymous said...

I love you so much right now. lol thank you so much!

Unknown said...

You're very welcome!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jim,
Is it common for emotions to come up during a meditation? Sometimes I cry and cry and cry during a meditation. I presume it's a release of some sort? Also, I've been experiencing emotions that I've rarely felt - depression, doubt, loneliness to name a few. I feel these during my waking state. Have I buried these feelings and now they're surfacing? Or, have they always been there and I'm aware of them now? Any ideas or suggestions?

I've meditated for 35 or 45 years and for the past 3 or 4 years have done the qigong small universe meditation. I meditate 40 - 60 minutes/day.

As always, thank you for your guidance. It is comforting to know you are there for people.

Unknown said...

Yes... this is an important part of the awakening process, and because we are in a period of accelerated spiritual awakening, it has become more intensified for many individuals.

The emotions that are coming up for you - in and out of meditation - are indeed, feelings that have been buried. This it is a very positive thing... a deep healing that is occurring.

However, it may help to understand that because of our accelerated awakening, everything is intensified now. For example, emotions that you might have experienced as "sadness" several years ago, are manifesting more intensely as "depression" now.

Because most of us humans have a tendency to avoid our emotional stuff, this intensification increases the liklihood that we will acknowledge them and feel them more fully. Feeling them is how we heal them. It neutralizes their negative charges, and the more they are de-charged, the more quickly they will wane.

So what you are doing by allowing yourself to cry, and by simply acknowledging and feeling the emotions, is the best way to deal with them.

If, however, if you feel at some point that the emotions are too intense to handle, reducing your meditation time a bit might reduce their intensity a bit.

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